Garland/Plano, TX – The ultimate in high school, college cum family reunion forms the core concept of the Jetawo weekend celebration. Excitement reigned as old pals reunited after several years of no physical contact and the jumps of joy observed was short of guests falling into the pool! The atmosphere was spiritually charged but atmospherically humid…no thanks to the Dallas heat. Entertainment included exotic dancing, bushels of crustaceans and assorted fermented grape products (without emphasis). Happy Birthday young man.
The main event venue featured live performances including a choreography by the celebrants children. There were also great testimonials of the celebrant by family and friends some of which were outright hilarious. Choice spirits and continental dishes were available in excess.
Photos by Tosan and Akin. Note that photos posted represent a random selection only.
Was this guy at ife?
Yes he was at Ife