Umu Igbo Unite is a non-profit US based organization that consists of a wide range of young professionals and college students of Igbo heritage residing in the US. Membership targets people from all parts of the South-Eastern Igbo speaking states of Nigeria including: Abia, Anambra, Delta, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, Bayelsa, Akwa-Ibom, Cross-River and Rivers states.
Since 2005, Umu Igbo Unite has held an annual convention each year which consists of many events aimed at Igbo professionals. People from other cultural backgrounds and ethnicity that are interested in learning more about the Igbo culture are welcome to attend.
The 9th annual Convention held recently at the Marriot Quorum in Dallas Texas and has been dubbed as the most exciting thus far. Enjoy the images captured by Jennifer Onwumere of ‘My Ultimate experience’ during the event.
Photo courtesy of ‘My Ultimate Experience’
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