A provoking and powerful film, Nate Parker’s latest project “American Skin,” follows a Black Iraqi War Vet, who seeks justice for his only son after…
Moms the Word: Winners honor their mothers at the Image Awards
Mother’s Day may be a month away in the States, but on Saturday night at the 50th NAACP Image awards, several winners celebrated the day…
Tyler Perry’s Latest Drama Premieres in New York
The film stars, Tiffany Haddish and Tika Sumpter who play polar opposite sisters Tonya and Danica who often collide — with hilarious and sometimes disastrous…
PAFF recognizes “Mugabe: Villain or Hero?”
“Mugabe: Villain or Hero?” Earns a Special Recognition Award at the Pan African Film Festival. British director Roy Agyemang was awarded a Special Jury Recognition for…