Dallas is probably the most diverse city in the United States offering minorities the opportunity to realize dreams and fulfill passions. Panashe designs, Zimbabwean by ethnic origin has realized such passions largely motivated by residing in Dallas. We spend hour’s downtown at various sites capturing moments to treasure.


Panashe Designs is a unique, elegant and fun women’s clothing line that will debut in August of 2010. Panashe means “God is in this Temple”, establishes the existence of the fashion line. Panashe Designs was formed as a solution to a vision: Panashe Ministries – a 501C3 ministry geared to cater to single mothers, house them, groom them and create employment.


The primary goal for Panashe Ministries is to help change the mindset of single mothers around the United States so that they do not rely on handouts and government welfare. Panashe Designs’ unique clothing selections and exclusive personal style services will ensure that our customers (all women) are well dressed and that they gain confidence within themselves.


Panashe comments; “Our designs are usually accented by African fabric to bring out the unique style. Another thing that inspires me is the fact that I have this vision to build. The funds generated from Panashe Designs are to fund Panashe Ministries and build a center. Having gone through hardships that single parents face, I am constantly reminded that there is a single mother out there who needs me to be obedient in this thing so they can get to the next level.”


 Photo documentary by Chibuzor Okonta, Executive Editor Trendy Africa USA

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