Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson serves as executive producer on this fictional serialized legal and family drama titled “For Life,” which is inspired by the life of Isaac Wright Jr. The series follows prisoner Aaron Wallace (Nicholas Pinnock), who becomes a lawyer, litigating cases for other inmates while fighting to overturn his own life sentence for a crime he didn’t commit. His quest for freedom is driven by his desperate desire to get back to the family and it examines the flaws and challenges in our penal and legal system.
Trendy TV was at the red-carpet premiere held at Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center in New York, which was followed by a screening and panel discussion. Attendees included Jackson, attorney Isaac Wright Jr., Hank Steinberg, Doug Robinson and Alison Greenspan, Nicholas Pinnock, Joy Bryant, Tyla Harris, Mary Stuart Masterson, Boris McGiver, Timothy Busfield, Glenn Fleshler and Dorian Missick.
When asked about the concept of the series, 50 Cent said, “Isaac was pitching a movie idea and I was like yeah, but it’s not a movie. It’s a TV show because it would only allow me two hours to tell the story and the story is too now, too current to what’s going on, so I put the team together and made it happen.”
The series is from Hank Steinberg, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson via G-Unit Film & Television, Doug Robinson and Alison Greenspan of Doug Robinson Productions and Isaac Wright Jr.
By Samantha Ofole-Prince/Photos by ABC/Arturo Holmes
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