Millicent Olaghere celebrates 2-day, 3 episode 50th in Atlanta

Not even the weekend thunderstorms nor the delayed flights could deter the well planned fun weekend in honor of Millicent Olaghere who looked all out fabulous and delectable at 50. In her natural self, she ensured that all guests were well situated and catered for especially those who flew thousands of miles from Africa to join in the fun weekend.

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It all started out on Saturday April 30th with a Grand reception party at the Sherwood Event Hall, Atlanta. The smartly laid out venue featured tables with floral identities for guests as well as red carpet step and repeat zone that featured Hollywood styled poses by guests. The ambiance was perfect for the evening. Attendees were well entertained with canapes and choice beverages.

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Day 2; Sunday May 1st featured a special thanksgiving service at the Redeemed Christian Church of God King’s Court Chapel in Atlanta which was followed by a full reception at the Pastor E.A Adeboye Event Hall located within the church building.

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by Tosan Aduayi for Trendy Africa Magazine

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