Dallas – After weeks of intense packaging, rehersals and strategizing, the much anticipated comedy and fashion show hosted by Bose Trendybeads revealed young and motivated talents in the Dallas community. Los Angeles based guest Comedian Seyi Brown delivered rib cracking jokes just as fashion exhibitions from the stable of trendybeads and Ignite yr style added glamor to the event.
The CEO of Bose Trendybeads; Bose Ogundipe was on hand to ensure that guests attendance was maximized. Her custom beads and custume jewelry creations also atracted great applause from the crowd. The fashion and comedy show also featured Dallas based comedian and MC; Michael Cole and DJ Nana B who reeled out a volley of smooth jams. Dallas entreprenuers including leading fashion houses were amongst the attendees.
Photo by Ozii Obiyo; Special Projects Executive of Trendy Africa Media and CEO of Mediasify.
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