“Don’t Die Sitting,” is an inspirational and motivational book written to challenge people to greater heights and a meaningful life. A recent study published in the online journal, BMJ Open, said you could add two more years to your life if you sit less than 3 hours a day. The study also found that you could extend your life by additional 1.4 years if you cut down the number of hours you spent watching TV. Numerous studies have linked sitting down too much and/or watching too much TV as a risk factor for developing diabetes, heart disease or stroke.
The research supports Saji’s message in his new book that people have a better shot at being successful if they live their life on purpose and refuse to sit and die — sitting on their potential. We all have moments when life knocks us down, and it seems as if there is no hope. But the fact that we are helpless does not mean that we are hopeless. In his book, Saji encouraged that there is ability in disability, there is advantage in disadvantage and there is hope in hopelessness. The book, targeting people who are facing tough challenges or choices in life, laid out tested principles that can help people turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones, trials into triumphs, and tests into testimonies.
Author Saji Ijiyemi used the story of those who are physically limited, but mentally limitless, to challenge and inspire people to maximize what they have, instead of focusing on what they lack. Born and raised in Africa, schooled in Europe, married to a Dutch, and living in the USA, Saji has been through the University of Adversity, and no matter how tough life is, his best-selling book shows that:
- We have ability in our disability
- We have chances in our challenges
- We have a choice and we can make a change
- What we have in life is more than what we lack
The book also reminds the readers of what Leo Buscaglia said that “The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and will be nothing.” Many people will die sitting on their talents, their potentials and their dreams. But the few that will impact lives and live a life of legacy are those who accept that they will die—but refuse to die sitting on their potential.
Saji is fascinated by people like Stevie Wonder, Natlaie Du Toit, Nick Vujicic, Yinka Ayefele, Tawana Williams, and other physically challenged inspirations who are using the ability in their disability to inspire others. He tells the story of four disabled men who went from zeros to heroes because they refused to sit down and die when they could stand up and live. Their story is a reminder that any individual can win in life if he or she is determined enough to live his or her life intentionally on purpose.
The principles in Don’t Die Sitting will help people discover the opportunities in their crisis, make tough choices that are necessary to change their lives, and take an active role in changing their lives instead of waiting for it to just happen. The book was published in the USA in March 2012 and is available in Nigeria at Debonair Bookstore, Bible Wonderland, and Laterna bookstores. It’s also available on line at www.amazon.com , www.bn.com
About the Author
Saji Ijiyemi is a Success Coach, Leadership Speaker, and a Motivational Teacher. He is the visionary behind The SAJIGROUP.com, a success and leadership development organization dedicated to helping people achieve their desired results faster and easier. He graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University and Free University of Brussels. He is part of JOHNMAXWELLGROUP.com, where he is helping to develop 21st century leaders. Saji has appeared on syndicated radio and TV, including Sahara TV. Through his book and his blog, Saji’s influence reaches thousands of people each month.
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