Dallas – Traditionally, when people think of Valentine’s Day the thought of Flowers, Candy, Gifts & Love come to mind. Whether viewed as a commercial or sacred holiday, the premise of this day is Love. “Be A Blessing Day” will take place on February 13 & 14th in Dallas, Texas. The event is created to provide the homeless population with everyday items that they need.
Created by Jen-Gerbread Marketing and supported by Trendy Africa Media, the event is two-fold and is seeking assistance from Dallas residents to help spread love this Valentine’s Day by presenting 200 bags to “the Stewpot Program” in Downtown Dallas.
“Love Bags” which will consist of toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, lotion, soap, tissue, hard candy and more will be created on February 13.
Volunteers for the Creation of the “Love Bags” and Supply Donations are Needed on February 13, 2013 between 7pm-9pm at;
Meadow Central Building
10300 North Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75231
Conference Room- 1st floor
The bags will be handed out on February 14th at 10 am. Venue is; 1835 Young Street, Dallas.
Visit the facebook event page for more updated information; https://www.facebook.com/events/129632867207555/
Contact: Jennifer Onwumere – [email protected], Tosan Aduayi – [email protected]
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