Blackberry has resumed a phased rollout of its BBM messaging app for Android and Apple devices after September’s botched launch. The free app is now available for download on Google Play, the App Store and selected Samsung App Stores. Last month Blackberry had to delay the launch after the software was leaked.
The company said that “in just seven hours [following the leak], about one million Android users were using the unreleased version of BBM for Android”. Blackberry Messenger began life as a simple instant messaging tool offering owners of the firm’s handsets a free alternative to SMS texts.
Over the years, the company has added functions including sending pictures, audio messages and other files as well as making voice and video calls, all over the internet. In addition it offers a Groups facility, which allows users to share photos, lists and calendar appointments with trusted contacts.
A recent addition is Channels – a feature allowing brands and celebrities to send news and status updates to users who want to follow them through the app.
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