Madison Lane is a Romantic thriller centered around the life of Ashley Montgomery who is suffering from dissociative identity disorder. (DID) Starring Jennifer Dior and Ricardo…
Professional Award for Actress Juliet Ibrahim
Ghanaian actress Juliet Ibrahim got awarded for her outstanding contribution to the African movie industry and her philanthropic efforts at the International Project Management, Trade,…
‘Apaye; A Mother’s Love’ premieres in Lagos
After much anticipation and preparation the Lagos premiere of the block buster movie ‘Apaye; A Mother’s Love’ held with fanfare! The event which was star-studded,…
‘The Number One Fan’ Ghana Movie Premiere
Accra – On the 25th of October 2013, the stars of ‘The Number One Fan’ the first movie produced by Ghanaian actress Juliet Ibrahim walked the red…
Houston Premiere of “Gem of the Rainforest”
Houston – With an all star professional and time tested cast including Ramsey Nouah, Perez Egbi, Merlisa Langellier and Roxy Rebel, it was no surprise…