AVA delivers FREE Health Care Services in Africa, celebrates donors

Since July 2017, the Abiola Victoria Ayoka – AVA Health Center continues to deliver free health care services to communities near Ibadan, Nigeria. AVA health center serves the basic needs of rural communities completely free and is operated as a privately funded charity with donations and contributions from kind hearted donors. As a gesture of appreciation, the founders and visionaries, Pastor and Mrs. OJ Kuye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God House on the Rock parish, Grand Prairie Texas, hosted the 2018 gala night which featured award presentations to partners.

AVA gala night
Pastor and Mrs. OJ Kuye

AVA Health center provides FREE services including but not limited to the following; childbirth, nursing and midwifery, antenatal classes and check up for pregnant women, postnatal services and check up for newly born babies and their mothers, outpatient services for the sick and general health education.

AVA health award partners were categorized into; Platinum partners, Gold partners and special partners. The gala night also featured a photo and video documentary of the AVA health center and some of its beneficiaries. The gala night was also a medium to present the annual accounting and operational report of the center while presenting the vision of the center into the future.

Media support: Trendy Africa – 9033091172


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